The Arizona Department of Housing, acting jointly with the Arizona Home Foreclosure Prevention Funding Corporation and the Arizona Housing Finance Authority has created programs to assist Arizonans statewide who are looking to become homeowners.
The first p
rogram (Home Plus Home Loan Program) is geared to assist creditworthy renters who ca
n afford a mortgage but lack the resources for a down payment.
The second program (Pathway to Purchase Down Payment Assistance) is an incentive for qualified home buyers to purchase a primary residence in 17 targeted housing markets that have been hardest-hit by foreclosures.
Maricopa County also offers the Home in 5 Advantage down payment assistance program. Through the Home in Five Advantage program, you and
your family may be eligible for a 2.5% or 3.5% (depending on your FICO score) down payment/closing cost assistance grant (no repayment is required), with a .5% origination fee.
Click each image to go to the program’s website. Additional information about down payment assistance programs can be found at Arizona Down Payment Assistance Programs.**
For more information, give me a call at 602-320-4253 or Get started on a path to home ownership today!
**Please Note: I am not affiliated with the Arizona Down Payment Assistance Programs website and it is not affiliated with HUD, FHA, VA, FNMA or GNMA. It is a website that is designed to match you with local lenders for the mortgage you inquire about. Please exercise caution when sharing your personal information with this website or please contact me for a referral to a lender who I know to be reputable and is also able to assist with all of the down payment assistance programs.